Well today I am just pooped. Allison & I worked out in the garden most of the day and I did all my regularly scheduled housework and laundry. When Scott got home I made him trim some trees in the back to make room for more sunlight. I haven't worked out there since last year when I was pregnant. It was nice, I got inspired and planned what we are planting. So far I am planting:
tomatoes beefsteak, cherry, roma (of course, can't wait to make fresh salsa and tomato sandwiches)
tomatillos (never planted before but thought they would go with the tomatoes)
jalapenos (for the salsa)
green beans (love them roasted with olive oil & sea salt)
beets (never planted these either but they sounded good)
kale (never planted or eaten this but wanted to try it)
sugar snap peas (love in stir fry)
cantaloupe (love it for breakfast and I want Allison to try it)
zucchini & summer squash (a must have for any garden, saute with garlic & olive oil and you have a great side dish)
We are going to plant some fruits too. I chose strawberries and a dwarf lemon tree. I want to do raspberries but haven't figured out where to put it, maybe next year.
And flowers are going in there too some where. Marigolds, zinnias & azaleas, some sunflowers and I want jasmine or honey suckle too.
I love California weather, you can grow practically anything !!
In other news, I actually slept all night last night, well almost, I did get up once to check on Allison, but I must have been really tired cause the alarm woke me at 5:30. I freaked a little, thinking she rolled over and wasn't breathing, she was fine, but she can lift her head now so I try to relax a bit after all she is a big girl now. But mommy can worry, he he.
I am off to make some tea and relax now I hope all of you had a great day.
One last thing, my store is almost complete, I will let you all know when it's done. You might actually find something you want and I might have free shipping for said item if you mention you heard about the store on my blog...I will post more on that later.
Here is a couple of baby pics to make you smile & brighten your evening.
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