Monday, June 22, 2009


Well this weekend was nice. Father's Day was good except Allison screamed most of the day and it really annoys Scott, but we picked up lunch at Costco and came home and relaxed. It was fun, at least I thought so.
On Friday I started back on point (Weight Watchers) and made some soup. The soup turned out bland, I cooked it in the crockpot and it made the whole house stink like cabbage and my hair smelled like onions, so I won't do that again. But the soup is really good when I take the time and cook it on the stove and it only takes like, 20 minutes to make, so next time. Anyway, it has been going really well. I have written out my exercise plan for the week, nothing difficult, just walking 2 miles 3 days a week and lifting weights 2 days to start. After my walk this morning I felt so refreshed and energized, I really needed it. I have been on point all weekend (except Father's Day) but I wrote it all down and accounted for all the tasty food. I am determined to lose the last 18 pounds and nothing is going to stop me this time. I even hung up a pair of jeans and a shirt, that I wore pre Allison, in a place where I see it everyday when I wake up and I will wear again.
I am taking time out from my second baby ideas and focusing on me and the wonderful family I have right now. Allison is just turning one and I want to get into shape and stay that way for a while before I jump into another kidlet this soon. I thought alot about this and if it ends up happening then it happens but if not I will not be disappointed.
I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend!

Now I leave you with a picture of Allison taken with our new camera.

And here is one of us, hehehe!

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