Something I thought might be fun is a look into my life and the daily routine of a housewife. I pride myself on being a mom and wife. I take great pride in keeping house and cooking meals, sitting down together and enjoying quality family time. Nothing makes me happier or prouder to have a husband that works hard so I can stay at home with our daughter the way I show how much it means to me,besides telling him, is with love, a clean and inviting home and a happy child, and a wonderful meal waiting for him. He loves to come home and spend time with his family and I am glad that I can make that happen.
Our routine is usually like this:
5:30 wake up, 10 minutes later wake up Scott
5:45 make lunches and coffee, tea and water open the house to get fresh air, turn on radio to hear weather, savor the quiet time before Allison wakes up
6:00 read book or magazine for about 1/2 an hour until Scott has to leave
6:30 kiss him good bye, say I love you and then I pour myself a cup of coffee and work on computer stuff, like updating blog and working on my very important project, in the quiet early moring hours before the toddler wakes up and I have to chase her around everywhere.
Sometimes I throw in some laundry that I will later hang out on the clothesline, yes I hang the laundry even in the winter, you don't want to be here on laundry day in January, there are clothes everywhere.
Sometimes I work out in the garden and harvest the veggies, water and clean off the patio or sometimes I workout. I workout in the back yard where I plug in my laptop and put in some taebo or something to get me moving. I have to say there is nothing like working out in the great outdoors, invigorating.
I get all this done by 7:30 and then hit the showers. By the time I am ready Allison is awake and was start our morning routine.
Breakfast which is a bowl of oatmeal, some fruit and full fat milk(ah to be young again). Then she has a bath, gets dressed and we are ready to play. She has a small snack of peanut butter crackers & fruit or milk and cereal.
Mid morning nap, which is never longer than 1/2 hour, I do house work or eat something.
Allison is awake again so I make her lunch, then play some more, clean the kitchen with her help, she likes to pretend to wipe the floor and clear out the cabinets for me.
Then it's off to afternoon nap which is like an hour long.
More housework is done and then I read or start preping things for dinner like chopping veggies or grilling chicken for a salad. Anything that can be done ahead of time so I can spend more time with Scott when he gets home.
Wakey time, make a snack or bottle then read some books while she plays in her room, watch some scholastic books on dvd and play chase. Go swimming, play in the backyard maybe have some ice cream if it is really hot.
Daddy comes home. Allison and daddy play while we talk about our days. Then we have a relaxing time, where he plays video games while Allison tries to help, chase her around so she won't drink his Rock Star, which she so badly wants , watch her while she climbs into daddy's video rocker to relax.
I make dinner while Scott watches her, dinner is a 6 everyday. After dinner is dishes, bath time for Scott and Allison and a bottle at 7, 7:30 is bedtime for her and 8 we start watching a movie. 10:30 or 11 is our bedtime and then the whole thing starts again the next morning.
I love my routine and I wouldn't change it for the world. I might add more activities to the days but I am content with my life, how many people can say that.
Hope you enjoy the day.