Thursday, July 30, 2009

Awake at the Crack of Dawn

Something I thought might be fun is a look into my life and the daily routine of a housewife. I pride myself on being a mom and wife. I take great pride in keeping house and cooking meals, sitting down together and enjoying quality family time. Nothing makes me happier or prouder to have a husband that works hard so I can stay at home with our daughter the way I show how much it means to me,besides telling him, is with love, a clean and inviting home and a happy child, and a wonderful meal waiting for him. He loves to come home and spend time with his family and I am glad that I can make that happen.

Our routine is usually like this:
5:30 wake up, 10 minutes later wake up Scott
5:45 make lunches and coffee, tea and water open the house to get fresh air, turn on radio to hear weather, savor the quiet time before Allison wakes up
6:00 read book or magazine for about 1/2 an hour until Scott has to leave
6:30 kiss him good bye, say I love you and then I pour myself a cup of coffee and work on computer stuff, like updating blog and working on my very important project, in the quiet early moring hours before the toddler wakes up and I have to chase her around everywhere.
Sometimes I throw in some laundry that I will later hang out on the clothesline, yes I hang the laundry even in the winter, you don't want to be here on laundry day in January, there are clothes everywhere.
Sometimes I work out in the garden and harvest the veggies, water and clean off the patio or sometimes I workout. I workout in the back yard where I plug in my laptop and put in some taebo or something to get me moving. I have to say there is nothing like working out in the great outdoors, invigorating.
I get all this done by 7:30 and then hit the showers. By the time I am ready Allison is awake and was start our morning routine.
Breakfast which is a bowl of oatmeal, some fruit and full fat milk(ah to be young again). Then she has a bath, gets dressed and we are ready to play. She has a small snack of peanut butter crackers & fruit or milk and cereal.
Mid morning nap, which is never longer than 1/2 hour, I do house work or eat something.
Allison is awake again so I make her lunch, then play some more, clean the kitchen with her help, she likes to pretend to wipe the floor and clear out the cabinets for me.

Then it's off to afternoon nap which is like an hour long.
More housework is done and then I read or start preping things for dinner like chopping veggies or grilling chicken for a salad. Anything that can be done ahead of time so I can spend more time with Scott when he gets home.
Wakey time, make a snack or bottle then read some books while she plays in her room, watch some scholastic books on dvd and play chase. Go swimming, play in the backyard maybe have some ice cream if it is really hot.

Daddy comes home. Allison and daddy play while we talk about our days. Then we have a relaxing time, where he plays video games while Allison tries to help, chase her around so she won't drink his Rock Star, which she so badly wants , watch her while she climbs into daddy's video rocker to relax.
I make dinner while Scott watches her, dinner is a 6 everyday. After dinner is dishes, bath time for Scott and Allison and a bottle at 7, 7:30 is bedtime for her and 8 we start watching a movie. 10:30 or 11 is our bedtime and then the whole thing starts again the next morning.
I love my routine and I wouldn't change it for the world. I might add more activities to the days but I am content with my life, how many people can say that.
Hope you enjoy the day.

Monday, July 27, 2009

One in a Long List

I have been working on a project that is going to take me a few weeks to complete and I am not sure if I will post the results but it could be pretty life changing and it is a surprise to Scott. I am going to need his input on this but not until it is completed. I know you are all chomping at the bit to find out what it is so here is a clue, it is on a long list of goals that I am working on and it is one of the top 3 things.
Anyway let's get on with the good stuff...

Here are a few random pictures of things like Allison, disco party and nose picking.

Enjoy the day!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened on Friday...

Yesterday was such a wonderful day, I don't think I could have asked for anything better. Scott was home and we all went to Costco, then drove around looking at farms/ranches. Our newest idea was buying some land and having a small farm. Well after alot of driving around in the hot dry country I decided I don't want to move. I love our 3 bedroom 1 bath house and the neighborhood. Everyone around us is great and our neighbors are friendly and have known Scott since he was a boy (the house has been in the family forever). There are a few things I want that will make it our dream home and the list isn't very long, so it's doable. As long as we live here we can expand our family and I can stay home with them. In a few years when the house is paid off, Scott will be able to have four day weekends more often and we can enjoy the wonderful evenings together like we did last night.

We grilled boneless ribeye steaks that were 1 inch thick and the most delicious thing I have tasted. I don't eat alot of red meat so this was a treat for all 3 of us. We did give Allison some of her own steak and some of the tomato salad, made with just pick, really ripe roma and beefsteak tomatoes, fresh basil (both from our garden), some mozerella cheese and balsamic vinager and good olive oil. She ate 2 helpings of the salad and alot of steak. After we were finished I had quite a bit of steak left over so I handed it to Allison to see what she would do, well look at that she loves meat.

Who doesn't like a good steak, I ask you???

I hope all of you had a great Friday and have a wonderful weekend...Oh yeah, I said a funny thing happened on Friday...well take a look at Allison's new skill...I can't help but laugh every time I see her do it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do, Do, Do I Fell Out My Backdoor

This morning while I was cooking scrambled eggs for Allison, she played quietly at my feet with the trays and cookie sheets. I turned around to butter some toast and she was gone...I hear a thump and cry and look back, not there??? I look around the corner and she is lying on the stoop outside the back door.Poor thing almost rolled into the bushes.

the backdoor of death and the bushes that almost ate her alive

I picked her up and kissed her little head she helped me make the rest of her breakfast.

the bump is almost totally gone and she is doing just fine now that she had magic mommy kisses

Now I know that she has been curious about going out back by herself lately and have had to put up the baby gate a few times to keep her from opening the screen...I never thought in a million years that she would actually try to do it. Even after her doctor told me that this age gets into lots of stuff they aren't supposed to and are curious about everything. I am going to make it a point to always keep her in my sight from now on and try not to have her falling out any more doors.

mama look at my booboos, can I have some ice cream???

She also had her 1 year appointment, here are her stats:
weight: 19 pounds
height: 29 inches
head: 49 centimeters
perfectly healthy and all muscle
she is starting to run a little faster and cimbing just a bit, please pray that I will be able to keep up with her in the coming weeks.

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend (Scott has the next few days off).

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's My Party...

Sorry for the delay we have had no internet...OMG!!!

Allison turned one on Friday and Sunday we had a party for her. We had a blast, Allison especially. The party was supposed to be an outdoor one but we only stayed out there as long as we could stand it because it was freakin’ HOT!!! Like 100 and something. Poor Scott had to bbq right in the sun and he was so sweaty and miserable and it was his only day off the entire week (after the party I just let him chill and play video games and eat leftovers the rest of the evening).

Since it was so hot I changed Allison into her bikini and let her run through the sprinklers before the party started.

Can you say SUPER FUN, she was showing off to all her Grandparents and Daddy even joined ran through the sprinklers with her. By the time we started cooking lunch she was ready for a nap so she didn’t have birthday lunch with us. We woke her up after lunch and had cupcakes which turned out rather nice considering it was my first time piping frosting on cupcakes. I was expecting a big cake mess but all she did was stick her finger in and lick the frosting off.

After everyone left though, she dove in and got frosting everywhere but didn’t care for the cake. She also enjoyed some of her favorite foods, hotdogs, cheese tortellini and swiss cheese cubes. Not balanced but it was her party and a very special day for her.

After the party I cleaned up and the relaxed the rest of the evening and even indulged in a beer. Kellerweis beer from Sierra Nevada Brewery (really good when really cold). I haven’t had a beer since Halloween and got a little buzz going and it relaxed my headache away.

Today my sister is going back to Tahoe (bye Holly). I will miss her help, but it will be nice to get everything back to normal and I finally got rid of the futon mattress YEAH!!!!!!!!

We also went to a Disco Dance on Saturday night which was a costume party. We all dressed up, even Allison and danced for about an hour. I danced the hustle with Gloria and the chased Allison around the rest of the time. She loved having the entire dance floor to herself to run around on…the turn out wasn’t very big unfortunately…fun none the less. I love dressing up.

I hope all of you had a great weekend and had time to relax and enjoy the nice summer weather.
Enjoy the day!

Friday, July 17, 2009

One Year Ago, Our Lives Changed Forever

One year ago I bent over to get some grated cheese out for dinner and my water broke, the next day Allison was born. I don't remember much of my hospital stay, only that it was a miserable time up until I saw my little precious daughter for the first time, everything change right then.

just minutes old

Being a mommy has changed me, I can now change diapers with one hand, clean snot out of her hair when she's upset and eat chewed up food she pulls out of her mouth without hesitation cause feeding mama is funny.

still just a curious little baby

In the past year she has changed so much it is unbelievable. She went from a non moving slug baby into a crab walk baby and is now into the stage I like to call "walk in circles and over stuff and try to climb, but can't quite make it run from the vacuum and oven timer and bottle warmer, screaming, arms flailing" stage. It is hilarious to watch her now, just starting to discover everything, so curious and proud when she does something great.

these toes do in fact have ketchup on them

Her skills she is proud to show off are:

- brushing her hair
- brushing her teeth
- putting on her necklaces
- pull clothes over her head (like putting on a shirt)
- take off a diaper and run around nude
- read to whoever will listen
- eat anything in her sight as long as it has ketchup on it
- drink out of a big girl cup
- play chase and peek a boo
- applauds daddy when he is playing Rock Band
- helps mommy in the kitchen by emptying the tupperware lids and containers so I can reorganize them every day, 2 - 3 times a day...big help here, I love organized tupperware
- empties the bottom shelf of the fridge everyday
- helps to set the table by taking out any red condiment she can find and carry it around until I am not looking and then hides it somewhere clever and mommy doesn't find it until 2 hours later

The list can go on and on, she is a gifted and very smart little girl (not a baby anymore) and her daddy and I are so happy and blessed to have her in our lives. She is truly a gift from God and we love her.

outgoing little girl with the whole world ahead of her, doesn't a lot of hair make a big difference?? she finally looks like a girl most of the time

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I love my Gourmet subscription. Every month I wait for the great recipes that sound so good and try to plan time to make them. Recently though, I have let them pile up, no time to read when a diapered toddler sees that you are reading and decides that an open magazine is the only place to sit. So when I had some time yesterday during her nap I picked up the July entertaining issue and just fell in love with all the goodness that was packed inside.
I just can't wait to start entertaining our large circle of friends with all the extra time I have. I am glad that they include quicker dishes so I can get my gourmet on and satisfy the foodie in me.
As I was reading though, I had a grand idea, why wait until a special occasion to try out a recipe that are a little more complicated but much more satisfying than the ones that I collect from convinence food sites. Why not try them now? There is no reason to wait, family is so special, create something spectacular for them and you feel good in doing so and they will feel good in knowing you care that much for them.
I mean who doesn't like a really great meal loaded with all the fresh summer produce and fruits. Corn and tomatoes in a salad or just a fresh berry cake can make a humdrum meal into something that the family will ask for until summer is over and you have to move on to fall produce.

I have declared Fridays as the day we try something new and delicious, Foodie Friday, I might call it, but it will be something we can all look forward to after a hectic week of working. An evening we can slow down and savor the time before the weekend is in full swing and we're off again doing busy family things. A time we can connect as a family and enjoy each others company and talk about the coming events and weeks and plans for the future and...ok it's getting a little weird here...but you get the point, a time for us to connect.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day!!!
Allison is turning ONE tomorrow so I hope all of you are looking forward to a lot of pictures and sappy stuff (just a warning)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Watermelon & Wigs

This weekend we went to the sidewalk sale/watermelon festival in our town. It was alot of fun and Allison had a great time shopping with the big girls, eating watermelon and playing in the park. She went down her first slide and giggled and smiled each time.

Sunday was were the wigs come in. We are attending a disco party & dance on Saturday (I have the best costume found it for $5 at the sidewalk sale)so we had to try on wigs and accesories at Grandma Gloria's. She is a collector of everything dress up and you can have a blast going through wigs and dresses and jewelry and boas and shoes until you find what you are looking for.
Scott has been looking for a wig for a Christmas project we are working on so he tried on the first wig. We have never laughed so hard. Since he had a wig on I had to have one also, I can't let him be funnier then me, and then Holly joined in. Poor Allison didn't have a clue when she came into this world that her parents were such goofballs, oh well, she will just have to join in on the fun...

After all that excitement Holly and I learned the hustle and the 4 step so we can "cut a rug" as the dancers say, on Saturday night.
Hope all of you have a wonderful day and had a weekend as fun as ours!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Play Date

Today we had a play date with the grandkids of one of Grandma Gloria's friends. They are older but Allison still had alot of fun. She ran through the sprinklers, ate grilled cheese sandwiches and juice boxes and had ice cream for dessert. She had a blast and fell asleep as soon as we got home. Exhausted...all of us (my sister Holly is here for a couple of weeks). Can't wait to get a play group together so she will have a few one year olds to play with.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

i hope her head doesn't grow anymore...i bought this for winter

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I was clearing the pictures off the video camera and came across some of Allison when she was still a tiny little thing...only 4 months ago. Still bald and drooling and looking at things with such wonder and amazement. So adorable, just can't get enough of her.
Sorry the pics are a little blurry they were taken with the video camera

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Guess I Should Update

4th of July was fun. We cooked some ribeye steaks on the bbq and had fresh green beans and potatoes...delish.
Yesterday I spent the day cleaning and getting ready for my sisters visit. She will be staying with us for about 2 weeks, if not longer. It will be fun, I have a very busy schedule this month and she is in for a treat since last time she was here we didn't really do anything.
Today I worked out. First time I worked out in, I don't know, like 2 years. And I mean I worked out, not a little 2 mile stroll through the park. Now I am tired but ready to take on the day. I really am out of shape so I was out of breath and tired 2 minutes into it but I stuck it will only get easier.
Right now I am enjoying a cup of coffee and the peace and quiet thinking about breakfast and going shopping once Allison wakes up.

Allison will be one in 10 days, I am really surprised at how fast they grow goes by quick. I remember the day we brought her home and the way our lives changed for the better. It has been quite the adventure.
Oh, and is there such a thing as the terrible 1's because I think she is it. She screams all the time, at everything and at anytime, driving around, in the store, in the house, in my ear...then we bring her outside where she can scream all she wants and she is as qiuet as a mouse...go figure. Does anyone have any idea how to make her stop screaming??? I am at a loss. PLEASE HELP!!! ANY IDEAS AT ALL!!!

I hope all of you have a wonderful day!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

First of the Season...Yummy

Allison had her first taste of corn on the cob last night. She thought it was so good I had to give her more tonight. I love summer produce.

mmmmm...buttery goodness

this stuff is really good

look daddy corn

Hope all of you had a wonderful day!

check out my myspace page if you get around to it, I am always looking for friends.