Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's My Party...

Sorry for the delay we have had no internet...OMG!!!

Allison turned one on Friday and Sunday we had a party for her. We had a blast, Allison especially. The party was supposed to be an outdoor one but we only stayed out there as long as we could stand it because it was freakin’ HOT!!! Like 100 and something. Poor Scott had to bbq right in the sun and he was so sweaty and miserable and it was his only day off the entire week (after the party I just let him chill and play video games and eat leftovers the rest of the evening).

Since it was so hot I changed Allison into her bikini and let her run through the sprinklers before the party started.

Can you say SUPER FUN, she was showing off to all her Grandparents and Daddy even joined ran through the sprinklers with her. By the time we started cooking lunch she was ready for a nap so she didn’t have birthday lunch with us. We woke her up after lunch and had cupcakes which turned out rather nice considering it was my first time piping frosting on cupcakes. I was expecting a big cake mess but all she did was stick her finger in and lick the frosting off.

After everyone left though, she dove in and got frosting everywhere but didn’t care for the cake. She also enjoyed some of her favorite foods, hotdogs, cheese tortellini and swiss cheese cubes. Not balanced but it was her party and a very special day for her.

After the party I cleaned up and the relaxed the rest of the evening and even indulged in a beer. Kellerweis beer from Sierra Nevada Brewery (really good when really cold). I haven’t had a beer since Halloween and got a little buzz going and it relaxed my headache away.

Today my sister is going back to Tahoe (bye Holly). I will miss her help, but it will be nice to get everything back to normal and I finally got rid of the futon mattress YEAH!!!!!!!!

We also went to a Disco Dance on Saturday night which was a costume party. We all dressed up, even Allison and danced for about an hour. I danced the hustle with Gloria and the chased Allison around the rest of the time. She loved having the entire dance floor to herself to run around on…the turn out wasn’t very big unfortunately…fun none the less. I love dressing up.

I hope all of you had a great weekend and had time to relax and enjoy the nice summer weather.
Enjoy the day!

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