Monday, May 3, 2010

Time for a Change

Enough of a hiatus...I figured I needed a fresh start after all the things I have been/am dealing with.
I need something new and fresh and more summery. After such a dreary, miserable, sad winter it is nice to start with something bright and cheery (plus my typing skills have dramatically decreased in the last few months so I need some practice).

My prenatal visit went very well, as to be expected. I take really good care of myself months before I conceive and through out the pregnancy. My water intake needs to be increased and I need to walk more but other than that baby and mama are doing just fine. I did get to hear the heart beat which is always precious and I do feel baby move some of the time which I just find so fascinating.
Allison is showing more interest in my tummy and can point to it and call it baby, but she still doesn't understand what is happening, which is to be expected of an almost 2 year old.
We get to find out what we are having on the 25th but we are keeping it a secret till the baby shower.

On the home front we have planted the garden and have been working nonstop on weekends doing yard clean up, plant care and planting. There is still so much that needs to be done but we can only do a few things at a time with our gardening budget being slimmer then usual.

garden bed: we planted onions, jalapenos, eggplant, bush beans form seed, yellow wax beans from seed, and cantaloupe from seed

Main garden: 5 tomato plants; 2 cherry for Allison to pick, a roma, an heirloom yellow beefsteak, and I think an early girl, there is also a pole bean, and from seed we planted zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, and peas

This area of the backyard is one of my favorites, a lot of greenery and pretty climbing roses that need to be attached to a trellis, when we get the money. I also have and elephant ear starting to grow under the trumpet vine and some spider plants under the roses

this is how we save money in the really helps and the laundry always smells fresh & clean, I even hung laundry after giving birth to Allison and plan to continue after new baby is here, I take full advantage of the suns power so I guess you can call it one of my hippy ways or the new slang term "green"

Allison has been helping in the garden alot, digging dirt and making piles, pulling new blooms off plants, drinking pond water, sorting seeds, crushing snails with bare feet then yelling "ooey, ooey". She is such a big help, she is going to be a great big sister.

I wonder what the neighbors are doing...this is one of Allison's favorite things to do when we are outside, spy on the neighbors

little miss hollywood... "Mom, I'm just oozing awesomeness"

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