Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Beautiful Weekend

It was such a nice weekend. In the 70's I think. We took the kids to the park. Which by the end of the day we regretted since they both turned into some kind of crazy, crying, peeing on everything, forgot how to do everything, whiny, misbehaved children. They were so bad that the gypsy's wouldn't even take them.

But at least they had fun while we were out.

The Super Bowl was on Sunday. We didn't watch it but we cheered on Aaron Rogers just the same. He is from our hometown and went to the same high school as Scott. He played football with Scott's cousin's husband. So that was pretty cool.

Today, well yesterday, I started Allison back on a tight nap schedule, since I think the lack of sleep has something to do with the awful moods. Today has been a success. She and Scotty are down for a nap right now, thank you God. I will continue with Allison's nap time from now on. She goes down at noon. She can either play or sleep, but she is in there for 1 hour. No if's, an's, or but's.

On another note, I have been working on my backyard. I have BIG plans for redoing a bunch of things, expanding the garden, and adding some kid elements to it. So far I have mapped out where I want the flower garden. I am pretty excited, when the kids wake up I will head back outside for more playing in the dirt.

Have a great afternoon.

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