Monday, July 26, 2010

Baby Shower for Scott jr.

Sunday we had Scott jr.'s baby shower. It was really nice. I love get togethers and cooking for people.
It was a shame that none of my family showed up though.

Not one person from my side decided to show up. The night before I had a head count of 17, so I finished preparing the food and thank you gifts, exhausted as I was from Allison's birthday. About 1/2 hour before we were to leave the next morning, I start getting phone calls, "Sorry we can't make it...blah,blah,blah."

the day of the party we wanted to sleep in since Scott worked a 10 hours the day before but who should come climbing into bed iwth us at 6:30???

So in the end only 5 people showed up, not including me, Scott, Allison or Gloria.
If I had any idea that most of the people would not have shown up I would have made it a cocktail party with much better food and a more intimate atmosphere. Oh well, live and learn.

At least I can count on Scott's family everytime. Too bad my family are all flakes and unreliable.

Alright, enough of that.

We really had a great time. We got so many cute clothes and gifts. It is so much different when you have a boy. I am used to the frilly dresses and fancy shoes, now I get truck t-shirts and dinosaur jammies.

I can't wait to meet our little boy. The countdown has offically started and I have 9 weeks 2 days left.

Allison had a great time. She really loves to party.

have you ever ridden a bike in the pool???

She was non stop entertainment for everyone there. Some how she got into some tea and was running around like crazy, I was sure she wouldn't take a nap but, in the end, she was the most precious thing in the world.

Hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. We are finally back to normal schedule again and it seems a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders since all the parties are over with.
I can now focus on nesting and family again!!!

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