Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm Back

pic by Gracie, thanks Gracie, you captured her true hamminess

What a week. I finally got all the invitaions out and Allison's party planned, now all I have to do is shop for everything: presents, food, decorations.

Tomorrow we are doing yard work and putting a new waterfall in the pond, maybe get some plants to brighten up the backyard. We are creating a shade canopy back there where we will set up the table and chairs.
I chose a really simple menu.
chips & dip
pulled pork sandwiches
corn on the cob
browine ice cream sundaes with the works

The baby shower is the weekend after and I already have the menu planned. We are having it at Scott's mom's house so no yard work for us that weekend...yeah!!!

With all my free time I have had I started planning some "staycations" for us to do before baby is born. I also chose a few special ones just for mom, like a spa day, so I can relax and destress as I get closer to the due date.
I also planned a backyard camping trip (until 8:30 at night). I really don't want to be sleeping out there being this pregnant plus Allison will never go to sleep if she is near her pool, she would swim all night if we let her.

I also planned a picnic, a trip to a farm, movie night, go on a hike, and make your own pizza night.

It should be fun and we are not spending a lot of money to do these activities, they are either free or very low cost.

I hope you all had a great week. I will be posting regularly starting next week so be sure to check back on the soon to be 2 year olds birthday party progress.
Have a great weekend.

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