Friday, July 2, 2010

Taking a Break

For those of you who actually read this blog, I am taking a break until sometime next week.

I have tons of stuff piling up that needs to get done and I just need to get away from the computer for a while. I am spending too much time reading blogs and just playing around.
I have a family that needs me, a baby shower to finish planning, Allison wants to just swim, swim, swim and I also have to get her birthday stuff ready (it's in 15 days and I still haven't sent out the invitations), & Scott, well he just wants to play video games....

I need a few days to just center myself and get back into the whole housewife/mommy routine. You know planning meals, baking cookies, playing with the kid, going to the park, taking a picnic somewhere, just enjoying the wonderful summer weather not cooped up inside.

I will see all of you next week, have a happy & safe 4th of July!!!!

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