Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some Days are Just Plain Busy!!

So today I blew off the patio and garden, did all Thursday & Friday housework, took back a canopy that collapsed right after Allison & I had our picnic under it,

bought drinks for the party, cleaned the ice chest, washed and hung the towels, watched Allison swim,
clean some poop off the carpet (we are potty training and she doesn't quite have it down yet, she takes her diaper off after she does her business then sits on the potty), cleaned her room twice,

watched Cinderella with her, folded 2 loads of laundry, made dinner, gave her a bath, took a shower and in between all that stuff I did the usual day to day stuff (make lunch, read a blog or two did dishes, etc.) and now I am relaxing. FINALLY!!!

AND...I did all of the above with a two year old who didn't take her nap!!!OMG!!! What a nightmare!!!

I have a granola bar in the freezer waiting for me to come and eat it and a cold bottle of water in the fridge. I am going to kick back tonight and enjoy watching a movie with Scott, he has the day off tomorrow, yeah.
Then I am going to bed and sleep until the garbage trucks roll through the neighborhood and wake up the little one at much for sleeping in on a day off.

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