Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We had a very uneventful weekend. Scott had to work Saturday & Sunday so no plans were made.

Allison spent the night at grandma's house on Sunday so Scott and I had a date night. I chose In & Out Burger since I was craving meat and I had never been there in all of my 32 years. It was so yummy and way cheaper than McD's.
We brought dinner home, had a nice quiet dinner, played some video games and talked about Allison most of the night. It was so quiet in the house. I was bored with no one to chase after or pick up after. Scott enjoyed it a bit because he could curse at the tv while playing video games but other then that I think we both missed her.
On the plus side we did get to sleep in until 8:30am.

Allison relaxing, watching Pocoyo on youtube, after the night at grandmas

Just being plain cute.

belly flopping into the pool

On another note, I really love gardening which is surprising since I hate bugs and bettles and spiders and frogs.
Right now not so much though, because it's hard to do alot of things with a giant belly but I really love growing my own veggies and herbs.
The other morning I went out to pick some cherry tomatoes for a couscous salad and ran into this...literally. The top of the web touched my forehead. I had a freakout and thought I had bugs on me the rest of the day.
This is magnified by 12.

And the highlight of the week...My 37 week appointment. I have a fundal height of 37cm, I am gaining one pound a week and perfect blood pressure. All around very normal. I have a date set for the c-section, about 2 weeks from now we will see Scott jr. for the first time. I am all but a little excited.
Here is belly at 37 weeks, can you tell how veiny I am? Being so pale shows every blue vein from my chest down to my belly.

Hope all of you had a wonderful 3 day weekend and have a great afternoon.

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