Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cookbooks & Preserving

You know after those back to back parties I was beat, exhausted, tired and I still pulled out this cookbook to get ideas for new parties. What is wrong with me???

She makes a killer margarita and I was SO wishing that I could make up a batch, sit out by the fountain (after the kid is asleep) with Scott and sip the cool cocktail while munching chips and salsa. Next summer I plan on doing this. Maybe I will make it our Friday night date.

I also love how everything is so easy to prepare and there are ideas for assembling meals/snacks for parties which I love. The easier the party, the better off it is, at least I think so.

I also pulled out my old favorite.

I love Patricia Cornwell and have read every single Kay Scarpetta book out there. I am not much of a collector, but I do own the entire Kay Scarpetta series, both cookbooks and read them over and over.

The food in this one always makes my mouth water and in the mood to prepare something nice for the family. It's Italian food, mostly and everything is delicious. The bread recipe is so easy and tastes wonderful. I have yet to try making the pasta, I am kind of intimidated by it. Plus with 2 kids running around soon I just don't have time...but some day.

Now that I am inspired to cook, I am also inspired to start preserving my garden bounty so I will have a bit of summer around in the winter. I am still looking around for something to do with jalapenos, but I have tomatoes and strawberries taken care of.
I think I will start on that project next week. I can't wait. Here's what I am going to try:

strawberry freezer jam that my Grandma Byrnes used to make
sundried tomatoes
canned tomatoes
peach jam
freeze some farmers market corn
and I will make some pesto and freeze that too...oh and also dry some of the basil and sage too.

With summers bounty at its peak and my nesting going crazy I will have this projext done by the end of next week.

Have a great day!!!

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