Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Just wanted to say Happy 4th of July to everyone.

We have been relaxing and having fun dispite the heat.

Today we went to 1 mile and enjoyed a watermelon ice and wandered around looking at the great things they had for sale. I also bought Allison this cute tutu.

I just love it and it only cost $5. I talked to the lady for a bit and she only sells then at some occasional booths around town. She had so many other cute things I wanted to buy like hand knitted purses, fairy wings, necklaces, soaps, crowns flowing with ribbons, but didn't have the

Afterwards we went home and took Allison swimming. She played while we picked veggies for dinner out of the garden, which we grilled and had with our steaks...yummy.

Our nextdoor neighbor, Neta, gave Allison a flag which she absolutley loved and carried it all around the backyard, even into the pool, oops.

We have played lots of Rock Band with Allison. We set it up for no fail so she can sing or play guitar and she's not bad for a 2 year least with singing.

After an hour of that we went outside to let off fireworks. They were so wimpy and uneventful, they seemed so much better when I was a kid, oh well.

Allison really liked them for about 5 minutes then the WOW wore off and she played with her wheelbarrow and hid in her house.

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