Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Play Date

Today was so busy for Allison. She met a few new kids today and she had a blast playing with them. She went swimming, played in the hose, ran around naked after she decided to take off her diaper and try to put it over her head, she climbed up some stairs (which I tried stopping but to no avail, she did it anyway, now I can look forward to her climbing up the shelves). We also stopped by the farmers market and picked up a ton of fruits & veggies. I bought some cantelope, yellow watermelon, zuchinni, string beans and the first of the corn - I am eating that tonight - can't wait.
We are planning on another play date in a couple of weeks and we might stop over there in the coming week if time allows, I have my sister coming to visit and I want to spend some time with her and I still have to get everything ready for Allison's birthday.
Since Allison had such a great time with the kids, I am thinking about looking for a play group or something that we can go to or host so she can have a little fun with children her own age. Well, I am off to look.

Someone had a little too much fun today

Hope all of you had a wonderful day!!!

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