Wednesday, August 4, 2010


After, what was supposed to be a relaxing weekend, we are finally back into the swing of things.

Scott & Allison enjoyed Cinderella for the 1,000,001 time on Sunday morning.

We also bought the mattress for Allison's big girl bed and she has slept on it every night since we put it all together.

This is the room as a whole, 10x10. A little crowded but it will work for a few years. We also have a bit of work to do in here, hang the mirror and Allison's purse rack, get a few new baskets to hold toys and such and put the crib back together.

We got Scott's old tricycle out of storage and she has been riding (having mom or dad push her around) it nonstop

I have also started to preserve the tomatoes from the garden. It sure does take some time but it is SO worth it. I peeled and diced about 2 pounds of tomatoes to freeze. And I started drying the cherry tomatoes to keep through the winter.
I was going to can them but with a 2 year old running around it is kinda hard to dedicate that much time. So drying and freezing it is.

As part of the nesting process I have started to clean out closets. I am getting rid of about 10 pairs of shoes (if any one is interested in them, sizes range from 5 1/2 - 6 maybe a 7 in there, all you pay is shipping I will send them to you), maternity clothes that don't fit this time around and a few other odds and ends.

Now I am off to hang towels and pick more tomatoes and peppers, have a great day!!

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